Calculation Orbit for C/2011 L4 (II)

MPEC 2011-N13 pulished new astrometric observations of comet C/2011 L4 so I feed these new data into FindOrb to verify if there will be great changes in orbital elements. Different from the last calcualtion, I added several perturbers, including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, the four Jovial planets with the heaviest masses in our solar system, which will exert gravitation on the small body. Overall 15 observations are rejected as their residuals are larger than 1.0 arcsec based upon my calculation.

Seems there’re no much changes compared to previous results, meaning that observations condition won’t improve much. According to the solution, the comet should favor observers in southern hemisphere before perihelion.

Calculation Orbit for C/2011 L4 (II)

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